Main Wholesale Florist feels that it is important to share business growth resources with all industry professionals. We understand the difficult balance associated with floral industry business, especially for small shops. In reality we can all use more sales and there is no better way to learn than from a reputable and affordable resource.  So you are wondering how do I get my team behind me?

Luckily FloralStrategies’ very own Tim Huckabee can help you! FloralStrategies is one of the most reputable resources for florist sales, customer service, and PO system training in the entire floral industry. You can take advantage of these resources with on-site visits, webinars, local and regional workshops, wholesale training. The best news is that it is AFFORDABLE! $50.00 can get you a long way, for both you and your team! This graphic below, found in Floral Management Magazine (August 2014). Read what this frugal florist had to say!


If you are interested in improving your sales you can reach out to FloralStrategies in a couple ways. Call them, email them, or visit their website.