Allium Globemasters

Allium, frequently known as Globemasters, are a breathtaking flowers known for their spectacular size and dazzling appearance. As the name indicates, allium are round, globe-like clusters of star shaped blossoms that makes them look almost like purple fireworks....

Anemone from New York

 These show stopping flowers are a quintessential addition for bridal bouquets this season. The eye shape center and textures paired with its large poppy-like petals make for a unique and bold choice look when adding blossoms to arrangements. The anemone’s...

Roses from Ecuador

If there is one thing you can never go wrong with, it’s roses. Luckily, Main always has you covered in this department. Their strikingly pure red color and delicate velvet texture make them perfect for romantic decoration as well as date night accessories. Our...

Stock Flowers from Ecuador

Delicate and closely knit blooms are the identifying characteristics of these springtime flowers. The contrast from their darker green leaves to the immaculate white flowers really help make the stock flower pop whenever it is used. Great for adding some density and...

Tweedia from Israel

Tweedia is an excellent choice when considering flowers for arrangements this season. These small and delicate petals bring a graceful aura to bouquets and their dusty blue or vanilla cream colors help build out and accentuate the colors that surround them. These...

Double Tulips from Canada

Twice the amount of petals, twice as much fun! These beautiful tulips look almost like a rose-like hybrid and are a perfect spring time surprise. The extra pedals add some density to bouquets and springtime arrangements and they come in a beautiful array of...